Freshen Up Hydration/Energy is a dry powder blend that is packed with natural and clean ingredients. We encourage everyone to live healthier lifestyles by making this a perfect substitute for soda, energy drinks, sugary juices, and overly sugar-filled sports drinks.

Why would you need more than this in a powder blend? We keep it clean and safe.

  • Our energy blends carry 0 grams of sugar per serving! No more worrying about sugar content in your energy blends.

  • Our blends carry vitamins B3 (Niacin), C, and D; as well as Magnesium Citrate!

  • No grit or chalky textures in our blends! They dissolve perfectly in water!

  • Unlike energy drinks, our blends cause no crashing after consuming them!

  • We ship to all 50 states, plus more and more countries coming soon in the future. We also ship to the UK, and Canada!

  • Our blends carry all natural flavors and colors! We don’t use any artificial ingredients in this category such as Red 40 which can be cancer-causing.

 Caffeine Warning

At JDB Labs LLC and Freshen Up Hydration, we solely believe in the overall safety of our consumers and have taken extreme consideration in the caffeine consumption of our energy formulas. Our mission is to bring enough energy to the table to make a difference in focus, and energy per serving without exceeding the maximum daily dose* you can have. Please read more about caffeinated beverages in our disclaimer section found HERE.

The recommended daily serving of caffeine depends on the individual; based off of weight and tolerance per serving. It is recommended to stay within your safe limits of caffeine per day and not exceed those limits. If you are curious about how much caffeine you should consume daily, please check out
THIS LINK that will take you to a weight calculator. As we cannot promise this calculator will give you the most accurate results, it will give you a better idea on what your body can handle based on your weight.


FDA Legal Disclaimer: The statements contained in this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). No statements contained in this website shall be construed as a claim or representation of a diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. No product listed in this website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Products are not intended for those with a medical condition, pregnant or nursing.

*Not suitable for ages 65 and older.

Ingredients We Use for YOUR Health

 Energy & Focus Complex

Caffeine (from natural coffee bean): Caffeine is an alkaloid found in coffee beans, tea leaves, and cocoa plants. Its primary role is to stimulate the central nervous system (CNS) and delay drowsiness. It achieves this by blocking adenosine, a compound that occurs when the body breaks down adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for energy. Manufacturers can synthesize caffeine from urea and chloroacetic acid, or they can extract it from coffee beans. Natural coffee bean caffeine comes from the fruit of the Coffea arabica plant. Natural and synthetic caffeine produce nearly indistinguishable effects, as they have identical chemical structures.

Niacin: Also known as Vitamin B3. An important element your body needs to function properly. Niacin is used by your body to turn food into energy. It helps keep your nervous system, digestive system, and skin healthy. ​As with all B vitamins, our ingredient, niacin, helps convert food into energy by aiding enzymes. Niacin is a major component of NAD and NADP, two coenzymes involved in cellular metabolism. It also plays a role in cell signaling and making and repairing DNA, in addition to acting as an antioxidant. Helping your body along the right tracks!

Cyanocobalamin: Also known as Vitamin B12. Cyanocobalamin plays a pivotal role in red blood cell production. Like most B vitamins, cyanocobalamin supports energy production. While vitamin B12 doesn’t innately provide energy, it’s a cofactor for energy-producing enzymes and supports energy metabolism. Like most B vitamins, cyanocobalamin supports energy production. Vitamin B12 supplements have several other interesting properties that may help balance moods, support heart health, and promote eye health.

Antioxidant Complex

Ascorbic acid: Also known as Vitamin C. An all natural antioxidant that can help repair the body, assist with the immune system, wound healing, and help protect our cells.

Ergocalciferol: Also known as Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. These nutrients are needed to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy. A lack of vitamin D can lead to bone deformities such as rickets in children, and bone pain caused by a condition called osteomalacia in adults.

L-Tyrosine: L-Tyrosine, or simply tyrosine, is an amino acid required to synthesize several neurotransmitters. Tyrosine converts into several other important physiological compounds. Researchers believe tyrosine supplements act as an antioxidant by increasing the availability of the catecholamines L-DOPA, dopamine, and noradrenaline, which may also help scavenge free radicals. Tyrosine supplements may enhance exercise performance. Physical exercise impairs catecholamine function and leads to mental fatigue. While tyrosine does not exert a direct effect on exercise capacity, it does improve mental performance. For athletes, enhancing cognitive function allows for more successful execution of motor skills and tactics.

Calcium Citrate: Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and is essential for several biological processes, including cellular signaling, mitochondrial function, blood clotting, muscle contraction, and nerve impulse transmission. Calcium citrate is a calcium salt derived from citric acid. It is one of the most bioavailable forms of calcium available on the market, equal to that of calcium carbonate. However, calcium citrate supplements don’t interact with stomach acid, making them easier to absorb than calcium carbonate supplements. Numerous scientific studies have proven calcium’s role in developing and maintaining healthy bones.

Niacin: Also known as Vitamin B3. An important element your body needs to function properly. Niacin is used by your body to turn food into energy. It helps keep your nervous system, digestive system, and skin healthy. ​As with all B vitamins, our ingredient, niacin, helps convert food into energy by aiding enzymes. Niacin is a major component of NAD and NADP, two coenzymes involved in cellular metabolism. It also plays a role in cell signaling and making and repairing DNA, in addition to acting as an antioxidant. Helping your body along the right tracks!

Cyanocobalamin: Also known as Vitamin B12. Cyanocobalamin plays a pivotal role in red blood cell production. Like most B vitamins, cyanocobalamin supports energy production. While vitamin B12 doesn’t innately provide energy, it’s a cofactor for energy-producing enzymes and supports energy metabolism. Like most B vitamins, cyanocobalamin supports energy production. Vitamin B12 supplements have several other interesting properties that may help balance moods, support heart health, and promote eye health.

Electrolyte Complex

Magnesium Citrate: Magnesium helps maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heartbeat steady, and helps bones remain strong. Magnesium also aids in the production of energy and protein within the body.

Potassium Citrate:
Potassium citrate is a potassium salt combined with citric acid. Potassium is an essential nutrient and electrolyte that people must obtain by eating potassium-rich foods like bananas, avocados, and sweet potatoes or taking potassium supplements. However, most people don’t consume enough potassium to meet their daily needs. Insufficient potassium can cause cramping, circulatory disorders, and more. Benefits we like from potassium consumption include promoting good heart health, maintain proper muscle function and decrease leg cramps, help reduce risk of kidney stones, and regulates acidity in foods in the body.